Are you thinking about trimming or removing any trees on your property? Jack from “I’ve Got a Guy – Tree Service” is at Crystal Water Beach this week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday) providing cost estimates.
Call Jack (707) 775-9743
A non-profit community organization established in 1951
Are you thinking about trimming or removing any trees on your property? Jack from “I’ve Got a Guy – Tree Service” is at Crystal Water Beach this week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday) providing cost estimates.
Call Jack (707) 775-9743
This past weekend, a two-week old seal pup was found dehydrated and stranded on the rocks at Crystal Water Beach. The Whatcom Marine Mammal Stranding Network (WMMSN) was called to collect the pup and take it to a local rehabilitation center. An update on the pup’s health is pending.
Although this is not a regular occurrence, marine mammals in distress or diseased may be seen on our beach from time to time. Community members and their pets should stay a minimum of 50 yards away. This equals 45 meters or 1/2 a football field.
To report a marine mammal deceased or in distress please call 360-966-8845. If after hours, please leave a message with a phone number where you can be called back.
Now that summer is in full swing, we are excited to welcome back the Annual Ladies Luncheon!
Where: Brenda Delf’s: 1977 Holiday Lane (brick house with high fence facing the lane)
When: Saturday August 19, 12:30pm
What: Luncheon for Crystal Water Beach gals
RSVP: Directly to Brenda using the RSVP form below. You may also send an email to bdelf@telus.net, or respond via text at 604-836-0434. (Note that Brenda will be out of the country between July 19 – Aug 11, with no cell access, so email is preferred between those dates).
If you don’t mind sharing what you plan to bring with your RSVP, it will help us avoid duplicates!
Looking forward to seeing you all, and hope you can attend!
Join us at 10am this Saturday July 8, 2023. The weather-guru is calling for sunshine, so bring your chair and hat to the Brackman’s grassy yard. See you there!
We have new Newsletter Editors. Adam and Nicola Poskitt have joined the team in Crystal Water Beach Community. If you wish to send any news to the community, please use the following e-mail:
Introducing Felix Derek Grierson a son for Brynn and Aaron Grierson. Proud brothers Charlie and Leo as well as grandparents Barb and Derek Laurillard, and Ross Grierson. Born May 16, 2021.
Joined the big wide world May 10, 2021, in Australia
Another daughter for Kelsey and Sam and big sister Bella. Grandma and Grandpa. Sally & Martin Pfeiffer, Jane Baynham and Gordon.
Has arrived. A new sister for Elizabeth and another daughter for Danielle and Jim McGivern. Alice Margaret was born a few weeks ago in April 2021. Mother and daughter are doing well. Another lovely granddaughter for Jim and Diane McGivern. Congratulations to a new member of Crystal Water Beach Community.
We will be able to have our meetings in person (like this one), once again when the borders open and we can visit our lovely cabins and community. The meetings will cover our CWBCA and CWBTA for year 2020 and 2021. If we need a special general meeting for 2021 when the borders open we will let the community know. Many of the projects we had planned to complete are tabled until we can visit our community again.
Date: Sunday, May 16, 2021
Time: 1:00 pm
Place: Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6047292445?pwd=dURpRU5Hend3QjVrQ3VTYkpVOEM1Zz09
Meeting ID: 604 729 2445
Passcode: 2021
One tap mobile +17789072071,,6047292445#,,,,*2021# Canada +12042727920,,6047292445#,,,,*2021# Canada
Dial by your location +1 778 907 2071
Canada +1 204 272 7920
Canada +1 438 809 7799
Canada +1 587 328 1099
Canada +1 647 374 4685
Canada +1 647 558 0588
Canada Meeting ID: 604 729 2445
Passcode: 2021
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kc2jXUCyeB
Agenda for Crystal Water Beach Community Association
The letter gives information about Point Roberts, and why Canadian property owners need to be able to cross the US border.