The Crystal Water Beach community was began by a small group of property owners in the early 1950’s. These pioneers paved the way for the bustling community we now enjoy. Their legacy includes developing and implementing the rules and regulations that we all abide by, the community events in the summer, and the regular communications – which took the form of the community bulletin boards still in use today.

From Left to Right: Daphne Ross, Ron Tully, Dermott McInnes, Peggy Viner, Irene Poskitt, Marion Tully, Lilian Watts, John Milroy and Barb Milroy. The photo was taken at the 2004 Annual Bluff Party picnic.
Olden Days
Over time, our community has grown and changed. We are fortunate to have photographic reminders of the olden days.
Photos (Left to Right) : Watts cabin with the “vintage” car and boat; community members – Jack Delf, Bert Watts, Ray Poirier-creating the path to the beach; and friends spending time at the beach.

Photos (Left to Right) : Community youngsters – Judy McGuire, Janice McLintock, Gail Viner -participating in the 1965 Crystal Water Beach Talent Show on the back of Laugi’s truck! And the audience watching the show.

Original Cabins
The following pictures are of the four original cabins in the community. They have all changed a little from when they were built in the 1940’s.
The Simpsons (Ranta), Pollards (Russell), Reids (Culbert) and Scotts (Jones) were the original owners who built cottages on front lots. Read more in Newsletter Issue 1 by Bob Culbert.

Echoes from the Past
Visit our memorial section to read about our past friends and community members.